Antwerp University Association


    The Antwerp University Association (also referred to as AUHA) is a structural cooperation of four higher education institutions in Antwerp and was founded in 2003 in response to the Bologna Declaration of 1999, which sought to increase synchronisation of higher education in Europe.


    Member institutions are

    • University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen)
    • AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp (AP Hogeschool Antwerpen)
    • Antwerp Maritime Academy (Hogere Zeevaartschool)
    • KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Karel de Grote Hogeschool)

    The association members strengthen each other by exchanging expertise and pooling resources, which enables them to improve the quality of their education and research. The Antwerp association, with more than 45.000 students, offers a student-centered education with a broad and diverse range of study and training programmes. The association consists of diverse academic and vocational institutions which work together on a basis of trust and mutual respect.

    The association invests time and effort in cooperation in research, diversity, entrepreneurship, student services, study choice, library policies, the educational continuum…  Moreover the institutions of the Antwerp University Association have the resources and the experience which make them attractive international partners.

    Please contact us for more information on our projects: